Sunday, November 15, 2009

"kerje malam"

Ladies and Gentlemen, round of applause for the end of WEEK 10 !!!!!!!!!

Weekend was spent at Central Square. It is just like lucky plaza but instead of indons, you can find malaysian *____* youngsters there. The youngsters here is ermm i should say, different?
Can't describe with words. its just different. hmm

Some time during Week 10. We wanted to buy food. There's two ways for us to reach there. the turn-right-and-safe way or turn-left-and-notso-safe way. the turn-left way is shorter. MUCH MUCH shorter. So being the lazy one, we walked the turn-left way.
and for that, we got chased by a %$^&%$ guard dog. argh!!!! NABEI.
(i think its because of ili's presence .. hmm..)

Lil sis had her sports day yesterday (saturday). She called happily saying she won the SECOND place in a telematch. hahaha. She said she won a silver cup and wanted to bring it here to show me. haha. bangge giler pe. haha.
Was worried for her though. The doctor warned not to let her be involved in any sports activities. But she refused to listen and still wish to participate. So mum let her.

* I'm here. But literally not.