Saturday, November 10, 2007

What am i suppose to do????

Had a jamming session the other day. Was great. YAY!!
AND AND AND!! i bought new sticks.


Many things had been running through my mind.
SORRY if i didnt reply to any of your HIs and BYEs
just not in the right mode yet.

How can I improve the situation?
What can I do so as not to disappoint her? What can I do so as to make her realise what is happening behind her?
MANX! Felt abit like useless. She's going to be hurt but I can't do a single thing.

I don't want to avoid this. Neither am I going to just let this go.
I have to do something... but WHAT????!!!!!

It kills me everytime I think about it.
I can't bear seeing my friends being made used of.

Thats the wish for the cake.

Once upon a time, a small bird named Tasoo lived in a vast jungle.
One hot summer day, a terrible wildfire erupted and
the flames devoured many trees and animals living in the jungle.
Other birds flew high into the sky and far away to safety,
but Tasoo couldn't bear to leave her precious jungle home to burn.
Day and night, she flew with all her might back and forth to the river,
filling her tiny beak with water to drop on the raging fires.
Tasoo's rare heart of courage and unshakable determination
moved the heavenly gods to shed tears, and a great rain poured
down upon the jungle, extinguishing the flames.
And so it is that even the smallest actions of a determined spirit can change the world.