ok.. second post in 2 hrs... i NEED to vent my anger... its better to vent it here than to a person.. i'm nt gonna mention names..
to THAT person...
THANKS alot la ehk!! wadeva it is..... I will stick to wad i've decided on. No point explaining FULL STOP
to THAT $^%$%^$^% ......
I hope one day u will realise that the entire situation will worsen if u were to continue wad u are doing now. I respect u as who u are. please dun make an OBVIOUS mistake that was done by MANY others who have made it. Till now, I dun get it... Why on earth must u do all these things???!!! ^%#$%^ la!!!!
to THAT __________
lets talk about the ways to solve instead. I'm not involve. its up to u.
to #$%^$&^%*&(*&^&*%&^$&$&^%!!!!
please, I know u have something to do behind all these things. Stop it.. LAST WARNING.. I'm not a kid.. I know whats happening. I took every person's action seriously. and i just knew it. please stop it. I dont disturb you. so jolly well fuck off. talking about people is normal. EVERYONE is doing it.. but please... KNOW YOUR LIMIT..
I thought I had enough.. what the heck sia... this is the LAST thing I would need in my life... Specifically, in THERE.
to THAT K530i
why the hell the batt have to run low in the middle of such convo... nabei sia! lucky gt dear (n95) who saves the situation...
kk tats it.. Thanks bloggie...