Friday, June 5, 2009

cotton VS tablets

As the heading goes, cotton VS tablets. Wonder what's the story behind it?
Read on.

During PMT term tests, there is a question about packaging of tablets.

List ONE advantages and ONE disadvantages of having cotton together with the tablets in the bottle.

Guess what's my answer?

I listed one advantages which comes from the lecture notes. But I can't remember the one for disadvantages. And so... I crapped my way through.

Consumers might mistook the cotton as the content itself which is for consuming.


I really have no idea of what to write sia. But heyy, from a retarded's point of view, I sounded logical and practical right? hmmm...

but anyway, its over.. YAY

Now, another load. Enough about pharmaceutical manufacturing technology. Now time to worry for current Good Manufacturing Practice. argh!!!

Classic Bon Jovi... who0oh0o0!!!

** Deep inside I care.