Friday, December 4, 2009

All hail prawns.

Been rather occupied at work.. with MP going on... "GOING ON"

The hollywood island is still rocking.. haha
New hobby at work.. *smiles*

there is this tinted glass at the door of the material entry. Being a tinted glass, no one can really see who's inside unless he/she walks up real close to the door and peep.
So being the cheeky us, everytime when we are left alone in the lab, we would go to the material entry room and stand at the door. Whoever walked past, we would knock or kick the door and hide.. haha...
Should snap photos of those people manx!! their reaction was *perghhh* CLASSIC. HAHAHAHAHA
had fun laughing at their reactions.. haha.. and when we saw our supervisor coming back, we would pink-panther our way through to our room. hahaha...

* "What would you say if I asked you not to go?"