Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our lack of compassion stems from our inability to see deeply into the nature of things.

I'm left with only 3 weekends here in kedah. and that campus discussion has to eat up one weekends... DAMN.

Work was quite busy these days. Busy. Cos there's a new product that is going to be filed in january next year. Ironically, that product happens to be generic viagra. How awesome.

Things gets a little way too funny at times in the fabrication room. hahax!!! Just like the fabrication process for generic tamilflu, the powder was flying like nobody's business. and the whoever is inside the room (including us), has gotten the effects.. and we suffered slightly from the side effects...
Now think, viagra.. hmmm... ok ok dont think too much...

Binatang baru: Bermastautin